Saturday, November 29, 2008


this dream involved a parole officer and her young fat child coming to my house - which was not actually my house, but that's all besides the point. she was there i guess for a status update and to give me a hard time - mainly questioning where i was doing my banking - she spent the whole time i was trying to show her ridiculing me with a smug smirk on her face. telling me what a fuck up and a liar i am. i tried to tell her that i accept responsibility for what i've done, but that doesn't give her the right to make me feel like shit.

i tried to call phone banking and someone from the bank came into my house and started talking about how i owed Kinko's money, but i explained that it wasn't me it was someone i knew and that i'd paid it for them - and they said i wouldn't be able to access my funds until i admitted my guilt. the PO was LOVING this. GD - someone i used to live with, also a reformed gentleman, showed up as well and started judging me and was also saying something about i was moving in with VW -something i had actually done when i couldn't stay with GD anymore.

next i tried to open my file box to get out a bank statement to show her the address and she dumped the box on the floor, picked up some candy that fell out of it and shared it with her fat kid. she told me that the address on the bank statement proved nothing.

she was berating and belittling me thru the whole dream - then some chocolate syrup and Sarah Michelle Geller showed up for some reason and i pleaded with the PO that she could say anything she wanted, just not in front of Buffy.